The gold mine part 2


Part 2: The Descent into Darkness

The journey to the Blackridge Mountains was grueling. The path was barely visible, winding through dense forests and jagged cliffs. As they ascended, the air grew thin, and the temperature dropped. The wind howled around them, carrying eerie whispers that seemed to echo in Donny’s mind.

"Keep your wits about you," Old Ben warned as they neared the entrance to a narrow cave. "This is where it begins."

The cave was more of a gaping maw in the mountainside, dark and foreboding. Donny felt a chill crawl up his spine but pushed it aside. He had faced worse in his time.

They lit torches and ventured inside. The walls were slick with moisture, and the air was thick with the scent of earth and decay. As they delved deeper, the whispers grew louder, forming words that danced on the edge of comprehension.

"It's the curse," Old Ben muttered. "It'll try to turn you back, confuse you. Stay close."

But the deeper they went the more Donny felt the weight of the mine pressing down on him. The walls seemed to close in, the whispers turning into a cacophony of voices—some pleading, others mocking.

Suddenly, the ground gave way beneath Donny’s feet. He fell into a pit, the torch flying from his hand and extinguishing in the darkness. Pain shot through his leg as he hit the ground, and he bit back a curse.

“Donny Old Ben's voice echoed from above. "You alright?"

Donny gritted his teeth. "I'm fine. Just... give me a moment."

As he tried to stand, his hand brushed against something cold and metallic. He reached out, fingers trembling, and pulled the object closer. It was an ancient-looking key, heavy and ornate, glinting faintly in the dim light.

"Found something," he called up, his voice strained. "A key."

Old Ben's face appeared above the pit, illuminated by the torchlight. His eyes widened. "That's it... that's the key to the mine's heart."

Donny stared at the key, a sense of foreboding settling in his gut. Whatever lay ahead, he knew it would not be easily conquered. But he had come too far to turn back now.

With Old Ben's help, he climbed out of the pit, and they pressed on. The whispers grew louder, more insistent, but Donny clutched the key tightly, using it as an anchor. Finally, they reached a massive stone door, covered in ancient runes that seemed to pulse with a life of their own.

"This is it," Old Ben said, his voice trembling. "The entrance to the heart of the mine. But beware Donny—once you enter, there's no going back."

Donny nodded, his resolve hardening. He inserted the key into the lock, and with a deep, grinding sound, the door slowly opened.

stay tuned for part -3 and if you can please comment and follow me


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