The Gouda underground



 Part 4: The Gouda Underground


Armed with the file and their wits, the trio headed to The Gouda Underground, an unassuming deli in the heart of the city. They entered cautiously, scanning the room for any suspicious characters. The deli owner, a burly man with a thick mustache, eyed them warily.


“Can I help you kids?” he grumbled.


Donny stepped forward. “We’re looking for some...special cheese.”


The owner’s eyes narrowed. “What kind of special cheese?”


Donny leaned in and whispered, “The kind that melts in your mouth and vanishes without a trace.”


The owner’s demeanor changed instantly. He nodded and motioned for them to follow. They descended into the basement, where the true Gouda Underground was revealed: a bustling market of shady characters dealing in illicit cheese trades.

stay tuned for part 5


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